We knew it was going to be a crowd when all the Metro garages were filling or already at capacity by 6:30 AM. The traffic started backing up onto Rt 50 Westbound, because of the Metro crowds. We zoomed back home to begin the watch, and to finalize our menu.
Breakfast was an all-American buffet of oatmeal with dried fruit, apple crumb cake, scrambled eggs with cheese, toast, and the choice of coffee or tea.
The news anchors were all reporting live from the Mall, and you could see crowds of people walking briskly by, to get to the security screenings and make it in before they closed (as was threatened). The morning went by in a blur, and the crowds built until there was a sea of people visible from the Capitol Dome camera.
We were spell-bound, and didn't budge, so our lunch was held post-Inauguration.
What did we end up selecting?
We stayed with the all-American menu, and made pepperoni pizza with the choice of beer, soda, or milk. Trail mix, pretzels, and fresh fruit were also offered, along with refills on the coffee/tea.
The afternoon went on, with live feeds of the lunching Inaugural legislators, and news updates. We were somewhat disappointed that the ex-presidential helicopter did not pass over us on its way to Andrews, as we'd hoped to offer one last salute.
The sister-in-law and daughter called to let us know they were finally cold enough to hit the Metro home, and would meet us in downtown (they took the Red Line home). Dinner was ordered from the local Chinese shop and delivered shortly, and we fed ourselves like a hungry horde. They headed out for home, while we watched some of the news and the live reports from the Inaugural Balls before conking out completely.
Waking the next morning and thinking "President Obama" was a lovely feeling.