Friday, March 20, 2009


We're watching the classic Mel Brooks parody of Star Wars. It never gets old, although the classic Mel Brooks penchant for jokes involving crotches, bodily fluids, and slapstick humor does. Still, it's Mel.

Dark Helmet is playing with dolls. Mary is asleep on the couch, as per usual. It's traditional for her to fall asleep while "watching" a movie at home. The dogs are lying around in a post-prandial doze; they had a good run around the playground before dinner.

Today was a day off, so I took the boy to school while Mary did some work at home before her doctor's appointment; she headed to her office after that. I had a late breakfast (didn't want to make her suffer as she was getting a fasting blood draw), napped on the couch (same one -- it's very comfy), then went shopping. We needed a refill on ink for our new printer (an HP photosmart printer/scanner/copier with wireless printing), some ant bait, bread, kitty litter, and various frozen items from TJs. This necessitated a trip to the mall where I could visit Staples, Target, and PetSmart before driving over to TJs. The only thing I forgot was the ant bait, and luckily we still had some. The ants still find their way into the old part of the house (not the renovated side), and the baits keep them from coming in.

Once the movie's done, it'll be time to check Facebook and then shut down for the night.

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