We are back home after our trip to NY for turkey and family. We left early Thursday am, with the dogs, dropped them at the kennel in PV -- only just made it before they closed for lunch, too -- got to Mom and Dad's for a quick cuppa, and then we repacked ourselves in Mom's car for the trip to the cousins in Ardsley. The Israeli branch was in attendance this year, so it was a packed house with lots of babies and lots of noisy conversation. The food was great, the house was cozy, and the time flew by. We didn't even need anything later.
Pat and his family arrived Friday around lunchtime. Since Thursday was also his younger son's birthday, we'd brought a few presents, so little B got to open presents from his grandma and his aunties before we had turkey. Lunch was quieter but just as delicious, and this time we had not just Mom's pumpkin pie, but also my pecan pie. We stuffed ourselves and voted on just having dessert later. The boys did what boys like to do: play computer games and run around with the cars.
Saturday we had blueberry pancakes, made by Grandpa, and then everyone trooped off to the park for some exercise. I picked up the dogs from the kennel -- and they were suitably excited to see me -- so they could go to the park too. We threw the tennis ball and took them for a short walk around the senior center, then went back to the house for a last lunch while the dogs enjoyed the hospitality of the porch. The only disadvantage to putting them there is the lack of bathroom facilities for them, so we'll have to come up with something else next time.
The trip home was slow; everyone seems to have decided on travelling early and the highways were congested all the way home. We stopped at Exit 8 for a brief trip to the diner for a potty break (dogs and humans), then kept on going. We did wave hello to Auntie Em before we left though.
We got home late, fed the animals, and put ourselves to bed. It was good to be home. Now it is cold and rainy out, so we are in no rush to go anywhere. We do have to make a fresh pecan pie for our neighbors, to thank them for bringing in the paper while we were gone, and we will consider doing our neuro surgery later, but I have a feeling we won't be inclined to go out at all today. Even though the crawlspace is dry, the weather is nasty.
Hope everyone else enjoyed their turkey, etc.